Some people dream of success. We help them to develop the skills they need to make it a reality. Define U has been used as an engaging and interactive unity building program in schools. By students gaining a greater sense of self awareness and confidence, they are more likely to help build school unity then participate in negative actions. Define U can be used as a proactive, anti bullying program in middle school and secondary schools.
Define U Overview
Define U has helped thousands of students create a greater sense of self awareness while learning skills and strategies to define their future. In doing so it creates a stronger sense of team amongst students.
College, high school, and middle school students alike have been able to take more specific steps towards their future by understanding more about themselves.
Through in person sessions, online instruction, and individual reflection , individuals learn more about themselves.
Students then enjoy expressing their viewpoints in large group and small group settings. Our biggest compliment is when students often say how much fun they had while learning key elements along the way.
Define U's methodology of a a step by step approach, allows students to build upon skills used in previous sessions.
Examples of the key life and leadership skills taught and learned are effective decision making, team unity, resiliency, goal setting, positive risk taking, and communication.
There are many ways to use the Define U program to benefit students.
The Middle School program is a community building program that helps to build positive relationships and sense of community around students. It is a positive approach to anti-bullying programs. The greater sense of self-awareness students have and a sense of community, the less likely they will be either to be bullied or engage in bullying behaviors.
At the High School level, the Define U program is key to helping build out individual leadership skill that will be needed in college and in careers. Topics such as resiliency, ethics, effective communication and personal leadership styles are addressed.
At the College level, Define U helps students identify their strengths and passions and how they can be best used for career and life goals.
"The activities were so fun and I learned so much about myself and my classmates. It was active, busy and really
made me understand how I can make a positive difference." - 8th Grade Student
“I learned so many surprising things about myself. I learned the importance of speaking up, asking for help, and taking a positive risk to get the future I want." - High School Junior
“This program truly made me realize what I want to do with my life. It was unclear and now I am really motivated and excited about my future." - College Student
"This program made me feel better about myself and it was fun to get closer to classmates. I would not have known we could do so well working together." - 7th Grade Student